Cell Cycle
A Cell's Life!

Cell Cycle

The Cell Cycle is the series of growth and development steps a cell undergoes between its “birth”—formation by the division of a parent cell—and reproduction—division to make two new daughter cells

What are the two main phases of the Cell Cycle?

The two main phases of the Cell Cycle are Interphase (G1, S, G2) and Mitotic (M) phase.

What is the G1 phase?

The G1 phase is the main development period of cell growth, during which new organelles form within the cell.

During the G1 phase, the first gap phase, the cell grows physically larger, copies its organelles, and makes the molecular building blocks it will need in later steps.

What is the S phase?

The S phase is when the DNA synthesis and replicates the genetic material.

During the S phase, the cell synthesis its DNA in its nucleus. As well as duplicates a microtubule-organizing structure called the centrosome. The centrosomes created during the S phase would then help separate the DNA when Mitosis occurs. In which the cells emerge from the S phase with two identical copies of their DNA.

What is the G2 phase?

The G2 phase is when the cell prepares for the division that will take place during the mitotic phase.

During the G2 phase, the second gap phase, the cell grows more and makes proteins and organelles. It also begins to reorganize its contents in preparation for mitosis. When the G2 phase ends, mitosis begins.

What is the M phase?

The M Phase is the nuclear division followed by a cell division.

During Mitosis, it undergoes a cell division that creates two genetically identical daughter cells.

What is G0 and why does it occur?

G0 is the resting state of a cell.

G0 occurs when some types of cells divide slowly or not at all. In which they may exit the G1 phase and enter into G0. If G0 occurs, a cell is not active in preparing to divide. It’s just doing its job. In some cells, G0 might be a permanent state for them or may re-start the division if they get the right signals.

-An example of G0 is when some cells, including many nerve cells, are programmed to never replicate. It is said to be that those cells are in the G0 phase.


Cell Cycle: the series of growth and development steps a cell undergoes between its “birth” and division to make two new daughter cells

- The two main phases of the Cell Cycle are Interphase (G1, S, G2) and Mitotic (M) Phase.

- The G1 phase is the main development period of cell growth, during which new organelles form within the cell.

- The S phase is when the DNA synthesis and replicates the genetic material. In which the cells emerge from the S phase with two identical copies of their DNA.

- The G2 phase is the second cell growth period, during which the cell prepares for the division that will take place during the mitotic phase.

- The M phase is the nuclear division followed by a cell division. In which creates two genetically identical daughter cells.

- G0 is the resting state and occurs when their is a problem in the Cell Cycle.